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Friday, December 11, 2009

Crazy Business Card

Front Side


Creative Business Card from a Copywriter

A copywriter can write on any topic. So he has chosen an asterisk and wrote the craziest thing, which signifies the creativity of the writer. The asterisk dominates the front side of the card and forces the individual to turn backside and read the text.

Chest Physician’s Business Card

A balloon was used as a medium for a business card, for a chest physician. In order to read the details of the card, one would have to blow the balloon – an exercise that would determine his/her lung capacity.

Yoga Instructor’s Business Card

Diving Instructor’s Business Card

Sales & Repair Person’s Business Card

Business Card from a Personal Trainer

Innovative Business Card from an Acupuncturist

Graphic Designer’s Business Card

Dentist’s Business Card

Business Card from a Second Hand store

Furniture Company’s Business Card

Divorce Lawyer’s Business Card

The perforated card demonstrates the separation between the couples.

Head Hunter’s Business Card.

Completely edible business cards with “read it then eat it” instruction for head hunter Aert van Seggelen.

Business Card from a Couples Therapist

Business Card for Motion Design & Animation Company

Business card from “Lush Lawn and Property Enhancement”.

The business cards were letter pressed by hand and stuffed with grass seed. This innovative idea is unveiled when one opens the card and has the actual feel of the seeds.

Crazy Coke

Crazy Resume

Cover Page

Inside Page

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